Tag Archives: health supplement

Why do You Need Multi-Vitamins?

Ummm What am I looking for again? Uh-uh can’t remember her name? Having trouble sleeping? Or worried about things that didn’t used to bother you before? Before what? Lack of sleep, stress, low levels of nutrition and poor lifestyle habits can contribute to irritating changes in brain and body function and a sense of operating under par as we age. Add to that the prospect of mid-life crises for men and menopause for woman and your whole wellbeing goes out of whack.

Contributing to this mix is the depleted nutrient level and over processing of foods we eat and toxins in our environment. This is a recipe for under performance in day to day life, at work or recovering from exercise. Feeling tired and unmotivated is just a symptom of the greater picture. As we age our bodies are less effective at extracting vitamins from our food and our bodies become starved of essential nutrients to function at our optimum. Stress impacts harder and we tend to cope less effectively with all kinds of issues.

New Zealand soils are deficient in selenium, magnesium, zinc, and boron. These essential minerals are critical for a healthy body and mind, keeping hormone systems in balance and maintaining immunity, especially during winter. Also a number of chronic diseases have been linked to diets lacking in these elements.

I was talking to a Charge Nurse this week, whose worked in NZ hospitals for the past 32 years. She made an interesting comment about our over drinking of water in recent years. “I see what would be healthy patients, but they drink so much water that they flush all the nutrients through their system. They take vitamins and they eat healthy but they wash all the goodness out of their body,” she explained. Later she talked about a “fluid restricted” diet for those with kidney damage. These patients functioned on 800ml of fluid a day as their kidneys were so damaged from overworking and processing so much fluid for so many years. So while it’s good to maintain normal fluid levels, remember drinks other than water are also fluid and 8 glasses a day should be more than enough for normal body function, which will not flush vitamins out of your system.

There are a total of 13 essential vitamins, including vitamin A, B-complex, C, D, and E.  Each vitamin plays an important role in improving and maintaining your health.  A good quality multi-vitamin will often have other ingredients too like antioxidants to support healthy aging and other nutrients to support cell regeneration and body recovery, etc. A quality multi-vitamin can help in all the metabolic processes of your body and brain, as well as boost your energy levels. Health Script believes a good multi-vitamin supports and maintains your health and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for a healthy diet of fruit, vegetables and grains.

What Makes a Quality Multi Vitamin?

Complete: Women in particular, need at least 30 different vitamins and minerals says the latest scientific research.

Guaranteed  Quality: The best health supplements are put through rigorous quality testing so you get exactly what it says on the label.

Bio-available: The nutrients must be in the most bio-available form. Natural  and Free of artificial preservatives, dyes, allergens or other contaminants.

You be the Judge: Try another formula if a multi-vitamin doesn’t make you feel better within the first 30-60 days. All your symptoms my not have improved in that time, but you should notice a real improvement in your overall energy levels and wellbeing.

Find out more about top quality vitamins, formulated and made here in New Zealand at: http://www.healthscript.co.nz/